Backyard Team FAQs

What is the definition of a Backyard Team?  The definition for the composition of a Backyard/Amateur Cook Team is as follows: (I.) Any member of the team who has not entered in and competed in more than twelve (12) sanctioned “Pro Division” BBQ competitions in the past and (II.) any person who has been a member of a team who has not been awarded a Grand Champion or Reserve Champion status in any KCBS sanctioned “Pro Division” competition and (III.) any member of the team who has competed in three (3) or fewer “Pro Division” BBQ competitions within the current competition year.

If any member of the team has entered in and competed in more than twelve (12) sanctioned “Pro Division” BBQ competitions in the past, they are ineligible to participate in the Backyard/Amateur competition. Any person who was a member of a team who has competed in three (3) or fewer “Pro Division” BBQ competitions within one (1) competition year may be considered an amateur and may declare or revert to such status. This includes the Chief Cook and/or Assistant Cooks. The only exclusion to this rule would be those judges cooking with a team to qualify for Master Judge status. Individuals who feel they have extenuating circumstances may appeal to the ABA Sanctioning Committee or their designee for reconsideration as an amateur. Those requests must be made in writing at least 90 days before the competition in question.

How do I join the Alabama BBQ Association (ABA)?  Fill out a Membership application and submit it with your payment to the ABA Secretary via mail, e-mail, or FAX.

How much does the Annual ABA Membership Fee cost?  $40.00 per year for a Cook Team or Families; $25.00 for a Non-Cook Team or Individual. (10-day renewal grace period)

What Do I Get For Joining / Renewing?

  •  ABA Membership Card, Certificate and Sticker via mail
  •  Teams participate in “Trail” Points toward Team Of the Year (TOY). TOY winners determined by a combined score of a team’s 5 best finishes.

How Are “Trail” Points Earned?  Every registered ABA member participating in an ABA sanctioned event with at least 10 teams will receive “Trail” points, even if the team finishes last. Additionally, those teams participating in a contest will be awarded bonus points based upon the number of teams at an event, up to a maximum of 50. “Trail” Points are based upon a team’s Overall finish. Bonus Points (BP) are awarded for the number of teams up to 50.

1st - 250 + BP 2nd - 225 + BP 3rd - 200 + BP
4th - 175 + BP 5th - 150 + BP 6th - 140 + BP
7th - 130 + BP 8th - 120 + BP 9th - 110 + BP
10th - 100 + BP 11th - 95 + BP 12th - 90 + BP
13th - 85 + BP 14th - 80 + BP 15th - 75 + BP
16th - 70 + BP 17th - 65 + BP 18th - 60 + BP
19th - 55 + BP 20th - 50 + BP 21st - 45 + BP
22nd - 40 + BP 23rd - 35 + BP 24th - 30 + BP

25th and down is 25 points + BP (1 Bonus Point for each team competing up to 50 teams)